Texture N°10 - Position Hunting crash oriented Martian Météorite



Texture N°10 - Position Hunting crash oriented Martian Météorite

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Texture N 10-1 www.meteorite-mars.com

Position Hunting crash oriented Martian Météorite Chizé du november 05 2012 !!!.....................................
meteorite-mars.com c'est un site d'information sur une trés rare en textures roches Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté du 05 novembre 2012 18h45 !!

DONC De façon à faire partager aux Publics Chercheurs.... les photos Vidéos sont en quatre spectres de Lumière !!!!!

Car les minéraux réagissent différements aux spectres de lumiéres , Une première au monde !!!! celà a nécessité 3 années de recherches !!!!

Les échantillons sont gratuits et trés limités ne sont accordés que pour les chercheurs!!

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Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté
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17 Best images about TreaSure Hunt on Pinterest | Metal detector ...
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The Mbozi meteorite in Tanzania is one of the world's largest meteorites. Variously estimated as https://www.google.fr/search...:

Texture N 10-2 www.meteorite-mars.com

meteorite-mars.com schema veines de fuites internes
Most of the meteorites were shattered and broken during the explosion / shock blast, revealing brecciation, metal and shock veins in their interiors.

Photo Crédit Réalisation Hervé JP Chotard THANK S

Happy 1st Anniversary Chelyabinsk! The Fireball that Woke Up the ...

Universe Today1584 × 1038Recherche par image
Most of the Chelyabinsk meteorites were shattered and broken during the explosion / shock blast, https://www.google.fr/search...: They own an in comparison with other meteorite low old (about a billion years) and must originate thus from a celestial object, which had still a relatively young geological activity.

Besides they includes gases, which correspond to in their composition of the Mars-atmosphere, as they are determined also by measurements of the Viking-probes.

SNC-Meteorites are often made of small mineral grains that can't be seen clearly without a microscope. To see these small grains, scientists grind and polish rock samples very thin (0.03 millimeters) so light can pass through them.

This picture is a microscopic view, about 2.3 millimeters across, of a martian meteorite. The brown areas are grains of the mineral pyroxene and the clear white areas are the mineral plagioclas

Texture comparative N 10-2 www.meteorite-mars.com

Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté
Page aimée · 43 min · Modifié ·

Most of the Chelyabinsk meteorites were shattered and broken during the explosion / shock blast, revealing brecciation, metal and shock veins in their interiors. Credit: Bob King
Happy 1st Anniversary Chelyabinsk! The Fireball that Woke Up the ...

Universe Today1584 × 1038Recherche par image THANK S
Most of the Chelyabinsk meteorites were shattered and broken during the explosion / shock blast, https://www.google.fr/search...: meteorite-mars.com
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Texture N 10-3 www.meteorite-mars.com

meteorite-mars.com Nakhlite, Chassignite, Orthopyroxenite, Augite Basalts, Basaltic Breccias

The SNC-meteorites are a group of Achondrite meteorites, by them is assumed, that they originate from the Mars.

They own an in comparison with other meteorite low old (about a billion years) and must originate thus from a celestial object, which had still a relatively young geological activity. Besides they includes gases, which correspond to in their composition of the Mars-atmosphere, as they are determined also by measurements of the Viking-probes.

Son modèle de terres rares ressemble à celle de Chassigny mais avec un enrichment.pattern de LREE plus prononcé ressemble à celle de Chassigny , mais avec un plus enrichissement de LREE prononcé.

Classification: Achondrite (martien, chassignite); très choqué. www.emse.fr346 × 274Recherche d' image

Texture comparative N 10-3 www.meteorite-mars.com

 Nwa Africa 2737 THANK S
This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 2737
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2000posit at UAz. M. Killgore holds the main mass.
Northwest Africa 2737
Achondrite (Martian, chassignite)
History: In 08 2000, meteorite collectors discovered a
stone fragmented into nine pieces (308 g, 128 g, 74 g, 47 g,
38 g, 6.4 g, 3.3 g, 2.0 g, and 4.3 g for a total mass of 611 g) in
the western part of the Sahara.
Petrography and Geochemistry: (P. Beck, Ph. Gillet,
B. Reynard, B. van de Moortele, ENSL; J.A. Barrat, M. Bohn,
J. Cotton, UBO) Olivine (Fo78.2–79.1; Mn/Fe = 0.018;
~89.6 vol%), chromite (4.6 vol%), low-Ca pyroxene
(En78.5Wo2.7Fs18.8 to En76.6Wo3.2Fs20.2), high-Ca pyroxenes
(En73.5Wo8.0Fs18.5 to En64.0Wo22.1Fs13.9; Mn/Fe 0.030 [total of
low- and high-Ca pyroxene ~4.1 vol%]), and sanidine glass
(~1.6 vol%) with traces of apatite. The texture is that of a
cumulate dominated by mm-size anhedral to subhedral
olivine crystals, sometimes poikilitically enclosed in augite
(En54.6Wo32.8Fs12.6 to En46.7Wo44.1Fs9.2). Oxygen isotopes:
(I. Franchi, R. Greenwood, OU) δ17O = 2.40, δ18O = 4.02,
∆17O = 0.315; δ17O = 2.30, δ18O = 3.85, ∆17O = 0.295 (all ‰,
n = 2). Furthermore, NWA 2737 displays trace element
abundances similar to Chassigny. For example, its REE
Country: Morocco
Mass: 611 g
 resembles that of Chassigny but with a more
pronounced LREE enrichment.
Classification: Achondrite (Martian, chassignite); highly
Specimens: A 20 g type specimen is on deposit at ENSL.
B. Fectay and C. Bidaut of La mémoire de la Terre hold the
main mass.
Meteoritical Bulletin: MB 90 (2006) Martian (chassignite) thank'shttps://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/docs/mb90.pdf
 Martian (chassignite)

Find: 2000

Achondrite (Martian, chassignite)

History: In August 2000, meteorite collectors discovered a stone fragmented into nine pieces (308 g, 128 g, 74 g, 47 g, 38 g, 6.4 g, 3.3 g, 2.0 g, and 4.3 g for a total mass of 611 g) in the western part of the Sahara.

Petrography and Geochemistry: (P. Beck, Ph. Gillet, B. Reynard, B. van de Moortele, ENSL; J.A. Barrat, M. Bohn, I. Cotton, UBO) Olivine (Fo78.2–79.1; Mn/Fe = 0.018; ~89.6 vol%), chromite (4.6 vol%), low-Ca pyroxene (En78.5Wo2.7Fs18.8 to En76.6Wo3.2Fs20.2), high-Ca pyroxenes (En73.5Wo8.0Fs18.5 to En64.0Wo22.1Fs13.9; Mn/Fe 0.030 [total of low- and high-Ca pyroxene ~4.1 vol%]), and sanidine glass (~1.6 vol%) with traces of apatite. The texture is that of a cumulate dominated by mm-size anhedral to subhedral olivine crystals, sometimes poikilitically enclosed in augite (En54.6Wo32.8Fs12.6 to En46.7Wo44.1Fs9.2). Oxygen isotopes: (I. Franchi, R. Greenwood, OU) δ17O = 2.40, δ18O = 4.02, ∆17O = 0.315; δ17O = 2.30, δ18O = 3.85, ∆17O = 0.295 (all ‰, n = 2). Furthermore, NWA 2737 displays trace element abundances similar to Chassigny. For example, its REE pattern resembles that of Chassigny but with a more pronounced LREE enrichment.

Classification: Achondrite (Martian, chassignite); highly shocked.

THANK S Institutions
and collections ENSL: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, 46 allée d'Italie 69364 Lyon Cedex, France (institutional address; updated 27 Feb 2011)
OU: Planetary and Space Sciences Department of Physical Sciences The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom, United Kingdom (institutional address; updated 8 Dec 2011)
Fectay: Bruno Fectay and Carine Bidaut, La Memoire de la Terre SARL, 39800 Aumont, France; Website (private address)
UBO: Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, place Nicolas Copernic, F-29280 Plouzané Cedex, France (institutional address; updated 23 Dec 2011)