Texture N°13 - Nice fresh crust fusion


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Texture N°13 - Nice fresh crust fusion

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Texture 13-1

Nice fresh crust fusion ...Lining of fusion crusti ntern externn.
created ...when the rock enters the atmosphere) the flux lines intern externn.in the surface that indicates the direction of matter has been ablated. The edges are large polygonal grains of pink- Purple orange anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix. On the lower right intern vein fusion Oriented Meteorite Meteorite Chizé of Mars Communautémeteorite-mars.com meteorite from Mars Chizé Chizé meteorite from Mars Community Community
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13/1 texture enjoys an exceptionally beautiful very rare martian textures !!!!!! cce result is enormous and a world first! !! This
was created when the rock enters the atmosphere), the result of polygonal external and internal leak lines of red-orange anorthite red orange, internal and external fusion crust typical of an oriented meteorite that has traveled a long distance In the terrestrial atmosphere on witnesses 700 km !!
This result is enormous and a first in the world! Meteorite-mars.com has achondrite meteorite from mars) may have come from. It is a very fine liner of melting crust, a large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix As a meteor crosses the Earth »atmosphere Terrestrial, heat generated ablation material away. If the meteor is able to achieve a steady flight rather than sporadically tumbling, the material will be ablating in a way to create what is called a shield shape or nose cone. In fact, ideas for space capture vehicles have been designed from this natural form that tends to better dissipate large amounts of energy. The leading side (front) and sides often have flux lines in the surface that indicates the direction of the material has been ablated. The back edges of the back face can create a "roll-over" or "lips" flange where the ablation / melting material has begun to tip over to the back side.
Sometimes the specimens will also "lather" on the back side where the crust has literally paddled thank you Bob Johnson Watch Buzzard Coulee Meteorite Flow
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Texture N°13 meteorite-mars.com

Texture comprative N°13-1-1 meteorite-mars.com

NWA 4931 Angrite Meteorite
302g End Cut Offer
100mm x 70mm x 32mm

Retail Value: $24,000.00
NWA 4931 Angrite Meteorite
NWA 4931 is a single 2140 gram stone paired to NWA 2999, one of the most interesting Angrites ever found. It was brought back from a Moroccan expedition in August of 2004. This meteorite was not recognized as being anything exceptional until April of 2005, when Greg Hupé found time to investigate the entire haul from this trip. After examining hundreds of suspected meteorites he found 12 complete stones totaling 392 grams that looked somewhat different from the rest. Nobody would have guessed these stones would turn out to be ultra-rare Angrites, because texturally they look completely different from what most would expect. A sample was liberated from one of the stones and sent to Northern Arizona University and a second sample from a different stone was sent to the University of Washington. Both laboratories found that the mineral compositions matched those of Angrites. A decision was made to sample and test each of the 12 stones because the potential for additional important findings is great.

NWA 2999 is unique in having unusual mineral compositions that mimic terrestrial processes leaving some scientists to believe these types of stones could have only formed on a planet-sized body. Unlike most of the other known Angrites, NWA 2999 was found to be a plutonic rock, meaning that it formed underground and was not extruded in a lava flow. Interestingly enough, this sample lacks vesicles. The magnitude of these findings prompted scientists to send off a specimen to the Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C. for oxygen isotope testing. The results confirmed that NWA 2999 is the 10th member of the unusual and scarce Angrite group.

Here are some comments made by scientists:
"NWA 2999 is unique in many ways from other Angrites including LEW86010. I think we can make a valuable contribution to the understanding of Angrite origin/parent body characteristics!"

"This meteorite is unique among known Angrites. It is texturally very different from most Angrites in having a plutonic rather than volcanic or quench texture, and it lacks vesicles!"

NWA 2999 is featured in the November 2008 issue of "Astronomy" Magazine, along with angrites, NWA 4801 and NWA 4590 "Tamassint."

Meteoritical Bulletin entry for NWA 4931:
Click here for the Official classification of NWA 4931
Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté THANK'S Commentaires Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté oriented Météorite Chizé de Mars november 05 2012 18 h45
meteorite-mars.com THANK'S

Texture comparative N°13-1-2 meteorite-mars.com

Météorite Chizé de Mars Its boasts a nice lining of fusion crust created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.This ultimately also known as a achondrite meteorite from mars ) may have come from . It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix Comme un météore traverse la Terre » atmosphère terrestre, la chaleur générée ablation matériau loin. Si le météore est en mesure de réaliser un vol stable plutôt que de façon sporadique tumbling, le matériel sera ablater de manière même de créer ce qu'on appelle une forme de bouclier ou cône de nez. En fait, des idées pour les véhicules de saisie de l' espace ont été conçus à partir de cette forme naturelle qui tend à mieux dissiper les grandes quantités d'énergie. Le côté d' attaque (avant) et les côtés ont souvent des lignes de flux dans la surface qui indique la direction de la matière a été ablatée. Les bords arrière de la face arrière peuvent créer un rebord « roll-over » ou « lèvres » où le matériau d' ablation / de fusion a commencé à renversement sur le côté arrière., les spécimens seront également « faire mousser » sur le côté arrière où la croûte a littéralement barbotage thank s Bob Johnson Suivre
Buzzard Coulee

Texture comparative N°13-1-3 meteorite-mars.com

Nakhla (Martian (nakhlite))

Camera model: NIKON D40X
Date: 2010:02:09 02:49:45 Size: 241.8 kb
429 x 600 pixels
Camera model: NIKON D40X
Date: 2010:02:09 02:49:45
Image source: uploaded by a member of the Encyclopedia of Meteorites.
Credit: Gerald Armstrong
This image may be copyrighted.

Direct link to photo: http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/.../16898_11439...
THANK'S Commentaires meteorite-mars.com
meteorite-mars.com THANK'S

Texture comparative N°13-1-4 meteorite-mars.com

http://www.jgr-apolda.eu/.../METS/METMOMA/METAL_MS.HTM THANK'S Commentaires meteorite-mars.com
meteorite-mars.com THANK'S

Texture 13-2

Pictures macros échantillons de météorite Echantillon de la chute de
« , météorite martienne
texture 13/2 bénéficie d' une belle exceptionnelle trés rare martian textures !!!!!!
Ce résultat est énorme et une premiére au monde !!! celà
a été créée lorsque la roche entre dans l'atmosphère), le résultat des lignes de fuites externes et internes polygonaux de anorthite rose-violet red orange ,croûte de fusion interne et externe typique d'une météorite Orientée qui a parcouru une longue distance Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine dans l'atmosphére terrestre sur témoins 700 km !!
ce résultat est énorme et une premiére au monde !!!
autres éléments textures choquée longues frictions dans l 'atmosphére .... olivine noir, et spinelle rouge rubis dans une matrice à grains fins et gros grains chassignitte chassigny 2
e Chassigny Nalite Elle se distingue par une croûte de fusion (Cf) noire très brillante, l’intérieur est gris
clair et montre des veines de choc fondues orange et red Echantillon complet de la chute de
suivant le diagramme de la texture 13/02 Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté bénéficie d' une belle exceptionnelle trés rare martian textures !!!!!!ce résultat est énorme et une premiére au monde !!! celà
a été créée lorsque la roche entre dans l'atmosphère), le résultat croûte de fusion avec des lignes de fuites externes et internes polygonaux de anorthite rose-viole red orange ,croûte de fusion interne et externe typique d'une météorite Orientée qui a parcouru une longue distance dans l'atmosphére terrestre sur témoins 700 km !!
ce résultat est énorme et une premiére au monde !!! celà
autres éléments textures choquée longues frictions dans l 'atmosphére .... olivine noir, et spinelle rouge rubis dans une matrice à grains fins et gros grains chassignitte chassigny 2t boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a martian matrixfile:///C:/Users/pc-config-ip%C3%A9o/Downloads/07-%20Larouci%20et%20al.%20(12.01.2016).pdf http://www.israbat.ac.ma/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/07-%20Larouci%20et%20al.%20(12.01.2016).pdf

Texture N°13-2 meteorite-mars.com

Texture comparative N°13-2-1 meteorite-mars.com

Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté
Page aimée · 13 avril · Modifié ·

This ultimately rare angrite (also known as a achondrite meteorite) may have come from the planet Mercury. It was found in the Sahara Desert outside of Morocco in 2004.Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté Trouver Valeurs actuelles pour vos antiquités! Météorite; Mercure ?, angrite, Maroc, NWA 4662, tranche, http: //www.prices4antiques.com/Meteorite-Mercury-Angrite ... grammes. Une météorite peut - être de la planète Mercure, un angrite, NWA 4662 jumelé avec NWA 2999 et NWA 3164, angrite, Maroc, découverte 2004. Angrites sont ... [plus de détails disponibles par abonnement] p4A article D9736297 Catégorie: Histoire naturelle Origine: Maroc Type: Année: météorites
It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.This ultimately rare angrite (also known as a achondrite meteorite) may have come from the planet Mercury. It was found in the Sahara Desert outside of Morocco in 2004. It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.

Photo: Heritage Auctions THANK'S Commentaires
Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté

http://gizmodo.com/30-starry-wonders-hiding-inside-of... http://www.prices4antiques.com/Meteorite-Mercury-Angrite...

Texture comparative N°13-2-2 meteorite-mars.com


Texture 13-3

Intern lines fusion Oriented Météorite Chizé de Mars Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine texture 13/03 Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté t boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a martian matrix Figure 3. Photos macroscopiques des échantillons de météorites (chutes et trouvailles) provenant du Maroc. a) Echantillon de la chute de
« Tissint », météorite martienne de type Shergottite. Elle se distingue par une croûte de fusion (Cf) noire très brillante, l’intérieur est gris
clair et montre des veines de choc fondues noires et des poches de fusion (Chennaoui et al. 2012). Most of the Chelyabinsk meteorites were shattered and broken during the explosion / shock blast, revealing brecciation, metal and shock veins in their interiors......thank's Credit: Bob King http://www.technology.org/2014/02/17/happy-1st-anniversary-chelyabinsk-fireball-woke-world/ thank's

texture N°13-3 meteorite-mars.com

texture comparative N°13-3-1 meteorite-mars.com

Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté
Page aimée · 13 avril · Modifié ·

That s ultimately rare angrite; known as a achondrite meteorite) may have come from the planet Mercury. It was found in the Sahara Desert outside of Morocco in 2004 //www.prices4antiques.com/Meteorite-Mercury-Angrite ... grammes. Une météorite peut - être de la planète Mercure, un angrite, NWA 4662 jumelé avec NWA 2999 et NWA 3164, angrite, Maroc, découverte 2004. Angrites sont ... [plus de détails disponibles par abonnement] p4A article D9736297 Catégorie: Histoire naturelle Origine: Maroc Type: Année: météorites
a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.This ultimately rare angrite (also known as a achondrite meteorite) may have come from the planet Mercury. It was found in the Sahara Desert outside of Morocco in 2004. It boasts a nice lining of fusion crust (created when the rock enters the atmosphere), large polygonal grains of pink-purple anorthite, shocked black olivine, and ruby-red spinel in a fine-grained matrix.

Photo: Heritage Auctions THANK'S Commentaires
Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté

http://gizmodo.com/30-starry-wonders-hiding-inside-of... http://www.prices4antiques.com/Meteorite-Mercury-Angrite...